Diclofenac For Gout

Diclofenac For Gout

Coincidentally, my recent posts about gout remedies for pain relief requires another - this time it is diclofenac for gout. Diclofenac is one of many NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) that are suitable for any kind of inflammatory pain. As they fight inflammation, they are often prescribed for gout. It seems to me, that the selection of a NSAID has more to do with a doctor's prescribing habits than anything else. In essence, this is bound to happen. There is limited research into comparing NSAIDs as they are all quite similar. If doctors find something that presents more benefits than problems, they are likely to stick with it. So if diclofenac works, then there is little point switching to something else. I also believe that trying to champion one NSAID for gout over another completely misses the point. It is far more important to plan a gout treatment program that recognizes the part that NSAIDs play. The NSAID must be a temporary solution to...
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Does Medical Marijuana Help With Gout?

Does Medical Marijuana Help With Gout?

In tidying the old forums, I repeat the following question in it's entirety: Hello Everyone I hope this subject isn't that taboo on the forums, if the admin deems this as an unfit thread for this forums then please remove it at all costs, as I come from a legal state where I was able to get a prescription for MMJ. I am in no way advocating its use or in anyway promoting it, but I came here with some questions/thoughts and would love to get some feedback from fellow sufferers. I have read on a few websites that cannabis mite be a possible candidate as an anti-inflammatory for arthritis, seeing as how gout is considered a form of arthritis it may seem that MMJ may be beneficial for gout sufferers. And there are other sites where it states that MMJ justs act like morphine in the sense that it helps the users forget about the pain while under the effects...
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Prednisone For Gout

In an earlier discussion about prednisone for gout, we had a lot of contributions, but no conclusions. I summarize the main points of the discussion below, but first let me introduce prednisone as one of many gout remedies for pain relief. Prednisone for Gout 2018 For the latest information, please see Prednisone for Gout. Also, the related reviews of relevant science at Prednisone and Gout Facts for Patients. It is not gout specific, it is one of the steroid drugs that reduce inflammation, thus relieving pain. It belongs in my Gout Pain Relief pages, which I am currently reviewing. The steroid family of drugs causes much debate, with some people opting for them immediately, as their first choice pain relief, whilst others view them as a last resort. I would like to update my comprehensive guide to gout pain relief, but I'm still not sure how to include prednisone and similar steroids. I may need to include it as an open option, to...
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Stubborn Gout Pain

Stubborn Gout: 2012 Update This discussion on How Long Does a Gout Attack Last? is now closed. Please see the new discussion about stubborn, or prolonged gout, by following the link at the end of that article. A recent comment from a reader about stubborn gout pain has set me thinking. I started writing a short comment reply, but as I thought about the problem, I realized that this subject deserves it's own article. Tom wrote about his stubborn gout pain: I have used prescription NSAIDS (Ibuprofen,Indicin, etc.) to successfully treat a gout attack that affected my toes, ankles and knees. Second and subsequent gout attacks did not respond to NSAIDS and I tried fresh cherries, dried cherries and cherry juice concentrate. The Cherries worked at first and then failed to give relief. Next, I tried Colchicine and that worked - with gastric upset side-effects. I've also noticed a difference in pain treatment response to different attacks. The pain is caused by a complicated immune response that scientists...
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Gout Pain Relief

Gout pain relief is the first stage of gout management. The second stage is treatment to reduce uric acid, but this can cause more pain and many people miss this vital treatment because they cannot tolerate the pain. Recent discoveries regarding gout pain have suggested an alternative approach that may well lead to a new, more effective form of gout pain relief. Many people mistakenly believe that uric acid crystals, commonly described as needle-like, cause pain in the same way that sticking pins in your body will. If you've studied my U-D-R-P model of gout pain, you will know that it is actually your immune system reacting to the crystals that causes swelling and pain in a similar way to fighting a virus. And the pain doesn't only arise when something triggers these uric acid crystals to form. A few days after your immune system has attacked uric acid crystals, swelling and pain subside as the crystals become hidden by white...
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